Ball of Wax 47 Songs: Julia Massey – “Carry On”

The theme of looking forward with hope and determination continues with Julia Massey‘s “Carry On,” a 2017 take on the acoustic political folk song. The song starts with a personal moment, a sister wondering how to explain this election to her son (something I was worried about before we knew the outcome of the election; I’m struggling more every day to imagine how I’ll explain this all to my own son when he’s old enough to understand [not that I’m even old enough to understand what’s going on right now, but you know what I mean]). The main thrust of the song is how we as individuals can “carry on” and do the work that needs to be done to get through this together, limiting damage and fighting for positive change at the same time: “Get in the streets . . . give what you can . . . get on your phone and call your congresswoman.” Amen.

Don’t miss your chance to hear this and other songs in a rare solo set from Julia at the Ball of Wax 47 release show: February 26th at the Sunset!

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