Songs about Books: The Fourth Book

Our host, Levi Fuller, is the only one of these musicians I’d met before I started this project. And so I had some extra knowledge I could put toward the selection: I already knew he’s a great reader, and I already knew some of the stuff he’s read. That gave me some freedom to get adventurous.

I have some regrets about these choices. (I would have regrets about these choices no matter what; five books can’t possibly represent all the things I’d want to do and all the voices I’d want to be heard with this experiment. For instance, I regret the lack of international authors, and that most of the books are contemporary. I regret not squeezing Hunter S. Thompson in there, somewhere, just to be a dick. But I’m happy with the choices, by and large.) My main regret is that almost all the books were novels. I know that novels will be easier for the songwriters to respond to, but I thought a book of poetry would make a fine laboratory experiment inside this experiment. And so I know Levi is a big fan of experimentation, and so I assigned him one of the best books of poetry to be published in the last few years: Maggie Nelson’s Bluets.

If I can be tacky enough to quote myself, from a column about the greatness of local publisher Wave Books: “It was Wave that published Maggie Nelson’s Bluets, which is one of those rare poetry books that everyone in the world should read.” That’s all I’m going to say about that.

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2 Responses to Songs about Books: The Fourth Book

  1. Levi Fuller says:

    Thanks for these great assignments, Paul. I just finished Bluets for the first time last night, and went right back and started it again. This will, indeed, be a tough one, but I’m excited to get to work.

  2. Pingback: Bluets and Blue Men | Ball of Wax Audio Quarterly

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