Ball of Wax 33 Songs: The Elevator Boys – “When You’re With Him”

Volume 33 really is all over the map, both musically and geographically. We went through Arizona and California before we hit a couple Seattle artists, and then we jaunted through Nashville with Friendship Commanders. Well we’re back in the Southwest now, with Albuquerque’s Elevator Boys. Longtime listeners might remember drummer Nate Daly’s band the Scrams, from way back on Volume 22 (Nate seems drawn to multiples of 11 – I guess we’ll see him again in another almost-three years). Suffice it to say, not unlike the Scrams, this is a very satisfying slab of rock ‘n’ roll from our non-neighbors to the SW. I hope they come up here some time and rock all of our faces in person, but for now this will have to do.

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