Ball of Wax 70 Songs: Atrocity Girl – “Ego Fix”

Atrocity Girl‘s “Ego Fix” is a powerful call to arms against patriarchy, focusing on the rampant misogyny in media by alternating each verse with samples of various right wing blowhard spouting anti-feminist and anti-woman nonsense. As hard as it is to hear these hateful, moronic soundbites in the context of the song, I can only imagine the soul-crushing labor of clicking through hours of idiots on YouTube to find just the “right” clips.

Countering all this is the song itself, a heavy, yet uplifting slab of post-grunge featuring Johnny-Angel’s impassioned and ferocious voice. Her words and delivery pull you right into the struggle with every phrase, ending each chorus with a scream that reaches right into your chest and grabs your heart. The band is right there with her every step of the way, meeting each moment with the righteous fury it deserves.

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