Album Review: Death Spa – Ewwwphoria

Death Spa - Ewwwphoria album coverDeath Spa – Ewwwphoria
(Self-released, March 2025)

I don’t know how to properly and thoughtfully approach a project that is heavily informed by—nay, founded upon—life experiences that are so different from my own as to be almost alien to me. As it turns out, this idea is actually sort of the point of Death Spa’s new album, Ewwwphoria. Knowing as I do the tiniest bit of background about Death Spa, it is the primary music project of Mia-Rose Malone, a trans woman based in the Pacific Northwest. Is this information relevant to the songs on Ewwwphoria? Absolutely, and the glorious cacophony is even better for it.

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LGBTQ+ People Are Not Going Back

Ball of Wax 70 coverI’m writing this post at a scary time for LGBTQ+ people in America and all over the world. I can’t speak for them, but I can speak as someone who’s lucky enough to have queer and trans family and friends who I care about deeply. This blog post is part of an action proposed by Julia Serano to stand in solidarity with LGBTQ+ people and to let our elected officials know we will not allow them to abandon our loved ones in hopes of political gain (which I believe to be deeply misguided anyway).

So, a political call to action: CALL YOUR REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS AND THE SENATE. Call them right now. Put their numbers in your phone. Call them weekly or daily if you can. Even if you know they don’t agree with you, or know they do, they need to hear from you. I recommend – following Julia’s lead – letting them know: “1) you will not tolerate any backpedaling on LGBTQ+ rights whatsoever, and 2) if they fail to strongly stand up against these attacks on LGBTQ+ rights, then you will take your vote elsewhere next election.”

(If you have Republicans representing you, there’s language you can use around personal liberties, nanny state intrusion, even parents’ rights. You don’t have to tell them who you voted for or your own political leanings.)

But also, this is a music blog, so let’s dig into some fantastic – and fantastically queer – music to meet this moment.

First, of course, is the brilliant Ball of Wax 70, curated by my friend and bandmate Mia-Rose Malone. It’s all brilliant, all from trans and nonbinary artists in Washington, and all proceeds go to Rainbow Railroad, an org helping get LGBTQ+ people to safety around the world.

Mia’s band – with me on bass and Jonathan Rodriguez on drums – is called Death Spa. We just finished our album, and are very excited to share it with you. You can hear a single with early mixes of a couple songs here:

I discovered a bunch of brilliant bands and artists through Ball of Wax 70, but one that has become a mainstay is Seaside Tryst. Their album Different Places is great for roller skating, cooking dinner, and driving, among other activities.

Lys Guillorn, an old friend and Ball of Wax semi-regular, has recently remastered and re-released Wayward Children, a collection of “One-offs, comp tracks, and frighteningly loose teeth” that is well worth your time. I’ve been a fan of Lys’s since we first played a show together at Mr. Spot’s Chai House about twenty years ago, and it’s great to see they’re still going strong.

You probably don’t need me to tell you about this one, but let me join the chorus celebrating the new Black Ends album, Psychotic Spew. Holy crap what a ride:

I could go on, and on, and on, and on (have you ever noticed LGBTQ+ folks are, by and large, an astoundingly creative and inventive bunch?), but I’ll leave you with one of my kid’s current favorite tunes (or, at least,current favorite non-Taylor Swift tune), from the artist Corook, who has a new album coming out soon and will probably be coming to your town soon. Check ’em out!

How lucky are we
Of all the fish in the sea
You get to be you
And I get to be me 

Thanks for reading, and for listening. Please take care of yourselves and each other.

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Ball of Wax 70 Songs: Atrocity Girl – “Ego Fix”

Atrocity Girl‘s “Ego Fix” is a powerful call to arms against patriarchy, focusing on the rampant misogyny in media by alternating each verse with samples of various right wing blowhard spouting anti-feminist and anti-woman nonsense. As hard as it is to hear these hateful, moronic soundbites in the context of the song, I can only imagine the soul-crushing labor of clicking through hours of idiots on YouTube to find just the “right” clips.

Countering all this is the song itself, a heavy, yet uplifting slab of post-grunge featuring Johnny-Angel’s impassioned and ferocious voice. Her words and delivery pull you right into the struggle with every phrase, ending each chorus with a scream that reaches right into your chest and grabs your heart. The band is right there with her every step of the way, meeting each moment with the righteous fury it deserves.

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Ball of Wax 70 Songs: Gemini Affinity – “Dig in Deeper”

Gemini Affinity, an elusive project with minimal online presence, bring a
mysterious air of mid-tempo guitar sophistication with “Dig in Deeper.” The song seems to float like smoke, with a clean electric guitar sitting atop the dreamy vocals for most of the song. While the lyrics are tough to make out with the way the vocals are mixed, the song has a decidedly witchy feel, though in a white magick, “let’s camp on the beach” kind of way. It’s a well-produced, well-played track with a groovy little bass and synth breakdown a little after the mid-point that adds some nice dynamic variety. It definitely leaves me wanting more, so let’s hope there more on the horizon from this band.

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Ball of Wax 70 Songs: Gender Envy – “Mads Mikkelsen”


“I used to be a gymnast.”

Give Seattle’s Gender Envy any and all awards for best song title with “Mads Mikkelsen,” which I hope is just the start of a deluge of multidisciplinary tributes to the iconic Danish actor, former gymnast, and dancer (that’s right, you read the last two parts correctly – now pick yourself up off the floor). Like its title subject, the song is steeped in a sort of dark classicism, with its ominous guitar vamp and goth torch singing. Gender Envy seems to be exploring high period Hole with a dusting of Bauhaus, an unabashed return to devil-horns and smeared eye-liner RAWK that feels novel nowadays. Tons of young bands are working through the Pavement and Breeders catalogs, not so many Love-era Cult and, frankly, I’m here for it. If you walk into a club and hear a song that sounds like “Mads Mikkelsen,” be prepared for bathrooms painted top-to-bottom jet black and at least one bartender with a backstory best unexplored.

Catch Gender Envy live this Friday at the Ball of Wax 70 release show at Southgate Roller Rink!

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Ball of Wax 70 songs: Kitty Junk – “Kitty Kitty Kat”

Kitty Junk is yet another duo that refuses to let their small numbers limit the heaviness and power of their music. Ryan manages to deliver the depth and breadth of two guitars and bass (even live, as I have witnessed), and Angela seemingly thrashes the drum kit to within an inch of its life in support of every last riff. Ryan’s vocal range is another highlight here; she growls and screams her way through this blistering anthem, achieving junk punk perfection without seeming like she’s even trying – which is, of course, the hardest part.

Kitty Junk’s fearless devotion to self-expression, empowerment, and spectacle is both something to admire and something to rock the fuck out to. Do yourself a favor and catch them live before the venues they’re playing catch up to the size of their sound.

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Ball of Wax 70 Songs: 9​-​5 Hyperfuck – “At Time of Recording (2023) LTJ Bukem is 56 Years Old”

My first exposure to the immersive onslaught of 9-5 Hyperfuck was when Death Spa played our first show with them at Nii Modo, a former Bartell Drugs in downtown Seattle that has been converted to a beautifully post-apocalyptic performance space and gallery. It was the perfect setting for this night of dark, heavy, super-queer music, exemplified by the live electronic bludgeoning delivered upon us all by this phenomenal duo. If you don’t have the time to enjoy them live at an anarchic arts co-op in a dystopian downtown setting,  “At Time of Recording (2023) LTJ Bukem is 56 Years Old” (which, incidentally, is an early contender for Best Song Title of 2024) does a good job of compressing the experience into just under three minutes. Strange, synthesized noises swirl, hand-played electronic drums hammer and pulse, an insistent voice intones – and absolutely EVERYTHING is distorted and louder than it should be, but you should probably turn it up even louder before you play it again.

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Ball of Wax 70 Songs: Djime – “RIP Temnospondyli”

I fear I lack the appropriate jargon to describe just how deep the groove is in this wild experimental electronic piece from Djime. As I listen I am unable to curb the compulsion to do a weird head bobbing, shoulders swaying, fingers gesturing chair dance. It starts with a super catchy, gritty, and fast moving bass line. It hooked me from my first initial listen. What else am I hearing? Drums, guitars, synths, and more. Each individual element both wonderfully complements and delightfully applies pressure to the whole. You’re definitely in the pocket, but the pocket you’re in belongs to a galloping, extinct, prehistoric beast – and you’re having a really great time. Hold on tight, turn it up loud, do an interpretive dance, and enjoy.

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Ball of Wax 70 Songs: Nic Masangkay – “Star”

Nic Masangkay‘s contribution to Ball of Wax 70 is a compelling slice of dark electronic pop that plumbs the depths of heartbreak and lost love, and returns to the surface as a gleaming star. As Nic pivots seamlessly between the floating melodic hook and the rapid-fire delivery of each verse, the song feels by turns mournful and defiant, perfectly reflecting the whipsawing emotions of any loss. As always, Nic’s vocal range and raw, honest lyrics are the centerpiece here, but their songwriting and production are top-notch as well. The inexorable pulse of the kick drum carries us through as layers of synth and other sounds phase in and out in response to the melody, resulting in a moody soundscape that grabs your attention and keeps it until the last notes fade out. 

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Ball of Wax 70 Songs: Kihalás – “Potnia Theron”

One thing I love about having someone else curate Ball of Wax (again, a thousand thank-yous to curator extraordinaire Mia Rose Malone for the job she’s done assembling volume 70) is that I’m exposed to bands, sounds – hell, entire genres – that likely wouldn’t have made their way to my ears otherwise. I pride myself on the genrelessness of this series – we’ve had some heavy, experimental, and dark music here and there over the years – but a few of the projects on this volume are a whole new level of sonic intensity, and I am loving it.

Which brings us to the pummeling barrage of orchestrated mayhem that is “Potnia Theron.” The two members of Kihalás fuse multi-amped guitar, drums, and their voices together into a through-composed monolith of sound, that despite the many changes and breakneck tempo, manages to weave an almost trance-inducing soundscape. Over six or so minutes, if you let yourself, you may look deep inside yourself and journey millennia back (or forward) through the ages to stand awestruck before Potnia Theron, “Mistress of Animals, called Artemis Orthia, Cybele, Seated Woman of Çatalhöyük, and others.” Thank you, Kihalás, for taking us on this voyage, and thank you Mia for bringing Kihalás into the Ball of Wax fold.

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