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Author Archives: Lattney B. Jones
Ball of Wax 65 Songs: Anne Mathews – “The One That Makes Me Scream”
My first thought on reading the title of this song was, “I know that line.” But no, it couldn’t be any sort of connection to a beloved pop nugget by one of the most important bands of my youth, could … Continue reading
Ball of Wax 65 Songs: oddkin ft. sceneriesplacements – “Taste This”
I’m gonna come right out and say that it’s very possible I am biased in my reviews. I also really like everything that I review. Certainly, both are factors in my not being an actual critic. I’m okay with that. … Continue reading
Ball of Wax 65 Songs: Keyboar – “Under Glass for Now”
If I thought that I was 2 for 2 interpreting what the artists on the new Ball of Wax were saying instrumentally and sonically about “the future,” Levi throws “Under Glass for Now” in as the third panel in this … Continue reading
Ball of Wax 65 Songs: Kora Karuna – “Kolombia Is the Future”
The kora is a traditional West African instrument not unlike the combination of a guitar and harp and large gourd (though there is a lot more to it than my oversimplification) and the word “karuna” (or “karuṇā”) is found in … Continue reading
Ball of Wax 65 Songs: autOaudiO – “untitled (wax mix)”
Without lyrical content or even clues in the title as to what autOaudiO’s vision of the future may be as represented musically, one is left to invest oneself fully into the actual composition—and therein lay the rewards. Levi asked for … Continue reading
Ball of Wax 63 Songs: Orion – Witch’s Blood
“Witch’s Blood” by Orion works a spell of converging time periods and ignites within me a nostalgia for events that never happened, or that I never experienced. It wastes no time in getting down to its main progression, with prickly … Continue reading
Ball of Wax 63 Songs: Die Geister Beschwören – “A Cultivation of Reflective & Meditational Skills”
Before I get to the psychfolk epic-in-miniature that is “A Cultivation of Reflective & Meditational Skills,” please allow me to share my love for this act’s chosen name: Die Geister Beschwören may not roll off of your tongue, but it … Continue reading
Ball of Wax 63 Songs: Mike Votava – “Broken Heads”
To hear a Mike Votava song is to find yourself wanting to call him up immediately and bypass the whole “getting to know you” thing and go straight to hanging out and laughing about life’s ridiculous inanities. I don’t know … Continue reading
Ball of Wax 63 Songs: tidepools – “II. Yoyogi Park”
[Editor’s note: Ball of Wax 63 is available now for pre-order! Grab your copy now, and join us for a live streaming release show on Saturday, March 20th at 7pm PDT on Facebook Live!] I’ve found myself introduced to several … Continue reading
Single Review: Seth Howard – Flags for New Nations/Cartoon Crown
Seth Howard – Flags for New Nations/Cartoon Crown (Self-released, 1/20/2021) On the day of Joe Biden’s inauguration as the 46th President of the United States of America, Seth Howard brings us what I’d like to call a “Double A-Side as … Continue reading