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Category Archives: Ball of Wax
Ball of Wax 56 Songs: Schruggs – “Anyhow”
Joshua Schramm and Kevin Suggs have played together before as part of a larger ensemble and their reciprocity stands out on “Anyhow.” Under the name Schruggs, they grace Ball of Wax 56 with this buoyant roots-pop number that functions as … Continue reading
Ball of Wax 56: James Kelly Pitts – “Rose Colored Wine Bottle”
We’ve heard James Kelly Pitts in many modes: lo-fi weirdo, pissed-off polemicist, field-recording dronemonger, climate mourner, and more. “Rose Colored Wine Bottle” is possibly the most straightforward track I’ve heard from him – a slow, gorgeous, meditation for finger-picked guitar … Continue reading
Ball of Wax 56 Songs: Chris Moore – “Threads”
Our old friend Chris Moore (last heard on Volume 49, first heard on Volume 2) returns with the gorgeous “Threads,” from his new EP Sunday Painter. The song starts with a quiet, spare guitar part and Chris’s voice, quiet and … Continue reading
Ball of Wax 56 Songs: Darryl Blood – “Can’t Say It”
Although the larger portion of Darryl Blood’s recent work has been instrumental—from soundtracks to gallery installations to his recent album, Parse (reviewed here on Ball of Wax!)—he has released a number of albums as a singer-songwriter and been a member … Continue reading
Ball of Wax 56 Song: Amanda Winterhalter – “This Is It”
There is as much talent to be found in this world as there is beauty, and just as part of the challenge of seeing beauty depends on context and circumstance, so it goes for talent. Both qualities exist in and … Continue reading
Ball of Wax 56 Songs: Poor Neighbors – “First Time Caller”
“First Time Caller” by Poor Neighbors is just one more reason to be excited about a yet to be announced release from this thoughtful duo based in the Capitol Hill neighborhood of Seattle, WA. Taking a page from the handbook … Continue reading
Ball of Wax 56 Songs: Holly Small – “Ghosted”
Longtime Ball of Wax friend Holly Small returns with “Ghosted,” a spare track that does a lot with a few ingredients. A minimalist electronic bed of beeps and boops backs up Holly’s jazz- and R&B-inflected riffs on life from the … Continue reading
Ball of Wax 56 Songs: Green Light Cameras – “This Useless Lullaby (303 Remix)”
Over gurgling sawtooth synths, reverberating booms, and searchlight-in-the-dark choral swells, Green Light Cameras present words of wisdom, lamentations, and resignation centered on D major. I’ve spoken before about the power of this most sinister of tonics, and while its darkness … Continue reading
Ball of Wax 56 Songs: Grumpy Bear – “Wojciech Frykowski (Dead Playboy Song)”
“Wojciech Frykowski” begins with a bouncy electronic bass and then builds layers of acoustic and electronic textures and hooks over a four-chord progression which, apart from a bridge section a bit over halfway into the song, repeats for the song’s … Continue reading
Ball of Wax 56 Songs: Frames in Motion – “Behind the Face”
Jaded as I am with commercial music and the industry in general (my indignation isn’t necessarily righteous or justified—I’m just continually upset at what gets on the radio and what the general populace seems to want), I have come to … Continue reading