Northwoods’ “Cascading” was interpreted by poet Ann Tweedy and photographer Reiko Ishida.
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Northwoods’ “Cascading” was interpreted by poet Ann Tweedy and photographer Reiko Ishida.
Tom Dyer’s “Interpretation” was itself interpreted by writer Logan K. Young. (As an editorial aside, I love how both Tom and Logan employed extremely literal and direct methods of interpretation for their works.)
Kate Olson’s “Complexitears,” a music and video and piece, was interpreted by poet Michele Herman.
Darryl Blood’s “Air Drop No. 1 (fragment)” was interpreted by painter Leslie Sobel. It also evolved into a track from his Air Drop album, reviewed here by our own Lattney B.
Elizabeth Joan Kelly’s “Nest” was interpreted by painter Enda O’Donoghue and poet Carol Dorf.
Douglas O Smith’s “The Mirror” was interpreted by painter Dominique Thiebaut.
David Williams’s “Pour Le Compte Finale, Dix” was interpreted by video artist Nilson Nunes, writer Nicole Leona Smith, and poet Mary Buchinger.
Muriel Louveau’s “There is another sky” was interpreted by photographers Ellen Alt and Aunia Kahn.
Aaron Cobb’s “Grow!” was interpreted by visual artist
Sarah Haskell.
Septi’s “Blue Bird” was interpreted by photographer Lynnda Pardoe and visual artist Patricia Bender.