Ball of Wax 41 Songs: Bucky Fereke & the Pony Express – Please Don’t Wreck Up My World

Bucky Fereke, out of Lowell, MA, is yet another newcomer to the Ball of Wax fold (always happy to have more folks from my home state), and he brings us the delightfully low-fi “Please Don’t Wreck Up My World.” There’s nothing particularly fancy going on here – just the beer-and-whiskey-soaked plea of a (soon to be?) jilted lover, simple country guitar, and a lot of tape hiss and reverb – but it all adds up to a new country classic, as far as I’m concerned. I’m no country expert, but I could hear anyone from Hasil Adkins to George Jones making this song their own – or maybe we could get Elvis Costello to do a version for a second volume of Almost Blue? Someone get on that.

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Ball of Wax 41 Songs: Future Fridays – I Am Not You

BoW newbies Future Fridays – the duo of Eric Padget and Sari Breznau – keep the punk rock energy going on track 3 with “I Am Not You,” a stripped-down, propulsive little number with just about everything you need for a triumphant musical experience packed into two and a half minutes: Syncopated, choppy guitar, pulsing drums, attitude-filled male/female vocals (complete with “doo-doo-doo” chorus), and throbbing synth-bass. “I Am Not You” practically demands to be replayed as soon as you get to its swirling, twirling end. And then you’ll probably want to go listen From Fun-zo to Done-zo, the album on which it appears, a few times for good measure.

Some form of Future Fridays will be appearing at the Ball of Wax 41 release show on Friday, September 18th (hey, that’s a future Friday!). Be there!

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Ball of Wax 41 Songs: Levi Fuller & the Library – You Could Have Died

Ball of Wax grand poobah Levi Fuller (along with his Library) was surprisingly absent from Volume 39 (the last “regular” release of the quarterly), though he returns with a fuzzy rumble on Volume 41. “You Could Have Died” opens with a burst of feedback before crashing and stomping into the first verse. The band mostly drops out, leaving some guitar and kitchen sink percussion to prop up Levi’s reverb-slathered vocals. It’s an angry, almost punk-rock vocal, which only ramps up as the band gets louder and more agitated as the song progresses. As with the recent The Wonders That There Are, Levi’s musings and assertions are given a satisfying sonic weight by the decidedly unquiet Library. By the final verse, the band is in full galloping doom mode before opening up into an extended, mildly spazzy chorus to end the song. This is more compellingly rough stuff from Levi Fuller and the Library and a fine song to add to their repertoire.

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Ball of Wax 41 Songs: Low Hums – The Watermelon Sunn

Accomplished local psych practitioners Low Hums were apparently keeping this beautiful instrumental in their back pockets, waiting for just the right occasion to unleash it upon the world. I’m very happy that kicking off Ball of Wax 41 is that occasion. “The Watermelon Sunn” was recorded along with the songs that went on to make up their wonderful 2014 LP Charm, but is only now seeing the light of day. The band creates music in a few different modes, all broadly falling under the psychedelic umbrella (or mushroom cap, I suppose), from breezy ’60s pop to driving fuzzed-out rock to spacey, hazy tone pieces (and that’s just the first three tracks on Charm), and I celebrate them all. But this glacial dirge – inspired, according to lead Hum Jonas Haskins, “by the Richard Brautigan book In Watermelon Sugar, [which, wow, I definitely need to read] and of course Sunn amplifiers” – really hits my musical pleasure centers, with its thick chords, chiming leads, and general reverb-drenched Earth-y grandeur. I only wish it were about twice as long, but if it were then we wouldn’t have room for the 21 songs to come.

Low Hums have a new EP coming out this month from our friends at Knick Knack Records. Make sure to add it to your next record store shopping list!

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Wesafari Returns for One Night


Poster by Clayton Christopherson

Long-time readers and listeners probably know that Wesafari was one of my favorite bands – and were some of my favorite people – in Seattle for the first decade-plus of this century. Somehow it’s been over four years since they played their last show and head Wesafarian Rick Wright split town; I was certainly afraid we’d never see them on a Seattle stage again.

As you have probably guessed by now, that fear was somewhat unfounded. In celebration of the 10th anniversary of Wesafari’s Alaska (soon to be rereleased with all kinds of fancy bonus material), Rick planned a trip out here and a one-off reunion show with some local friends this Saturday, August 29th, at the Sunset Tavern. (Full disclosure, I will actually be helping out on various instruments during the set, allowing me to cross a biggie off my nonexistent bucket list.) The band will play a bunch of songs off Alaska and Sea Survivors, along with some newer/lesser-known tunes. We’ll dance, we’ll sing, we’ll drink, we’ll cry. It’ll be great. Continue reading

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Ball of Wax 41! September 18th at Conor Byrne!

2015 09 18 BoW 41Ball of Wax Volume 41 Release Show
With Puget Power, Cold Comfort, Future Fridays, Visceral Candy, and Brenda Xu
Friday, September 18, 9pm
Conor Byrne Pub
21+ / $8 (includes Ball of Wax 41 CD)

The 41st volume of Ball of Wax is in the works, and I gotta say, it’s a doozy. There’s no theme, but it’s chock-full of delightful new music – 22 new songs from old favorites and new friends, including the above-mentioned artists as well as Low Hums, Tomo Nakayama, Amy Blaschke, GreenhornBluehorn, The Kings – the first ska band to appear on BoW, which I find very exciting – and many more!

All of the bands playing the Volume 41 release show are new to the BoW family, which delights me (as much as I love all of our old friends and regulars). The only reason I’ve been able to do this for 10+ years is the neverending flow of great new music from friends and strangers near and far – it always thrills me to welcome new folks to the fold.

And what a bunch we have here! From the beautiful songcraft of Brenda Xu to the rump-moving sounds of Future Fridays and Seth Swift (of Soft Blows)’s Visceral Candy to the dueling (hi-fi vs lo-fi) pop stylings of Cold Comfort and Puget Power, the whole night will be just another example of what makes Ball of Wax (and Seattle music) so great. Join us!

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Ball of Wax 40 Songs: M.I.K.E. Drop – Afterbertha

[Ball of Wax 40, as we’ve mentioned, is a little different. Given the unique nature of each of the bands and songs on this collection, we decided to eschew our usual track-review format for the blog in favor of letting each of the bands speak for themselves about the songs they wrote and recorded in a day. 2014, the most recent year (and thus the final track) was assigned to M.I.K.E. Drop: Kelly Dale, Keenan Dowers, Emory Liu, and Louis O’Callaghan.]

MIKE-dropM.I.K.E. Drop met up in our Ballard brewery district studio a little after 12pm. After only 30 minutes or so the four of us settled in on a groove, tinkering away and stretching it out into pop format. Our energy seemed to jell really quickly and our “instant” band felt really natural especially after a snack break at the local minimart yelded potato chips and Mountain Dew slurpees. It all felt like we were on tour already . . .

Back in the studio we rehearsed and tracked drums guitar and bass live, then overdubbed keyboards and more guitar textures. . . . Louis wrote the lyrics and sang the melody at the very end of our session like the cherry on top of our sonic layer cake. We all had fun stepping into the unknown together and honored to be a part of the Ball of Wax family.

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Ball of Wax 40 Songs: Lahar – One of These Days

[Ball of Wax 40, as we’ve mentioned, is a little different. Given the unique nature of each of the bands and songs on this collection, we decided to eschew our usual track-review format for the blog in favor of letting each of the bands speak for themselves about the songs they wrote and recorded in a day. Lahar – Kirsten Eklund, Colin Isler, Mindie Lind, and Mark Schlipper – were assigned the tumultous year of 2013. Colin shares some thoughts on the process below.]

1. a destructive mudflow on the slopes of a volcano.

2013 was for the human species, like so many years before it, a struggle against violent forces of this Earth and beyond that seek to destroy it. Earthquakes, volcanoes, storms and meteor strikes rattled our world, but people always find some way of getting back on their feet and carrying on. Continue reading

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Ball of Wax 40 Songs: Chasing Shell – Lonesome George

[Ball of Wax 40, as we’ve mentioned, is a little different. Given the unique nature of each of the bands and songs on this collection, we decided to eschew our usual track-review format for the blog in favor of letting each of the bands speak for themselves about the songs they wrote and recorded in a day. Taylor Delph, John Faryar, Josh Morrison, and Colin J Nelson found themselves writing a song about 2012 together. They chose the tortoise Lonesome George as their subject and named themselves Chasing Shell. Their lyrics pretty much speak for themselves.]

chasingshellTaking his time, Lonesome George
The last of his kind.
Monks chased by bees, then hospitalized.
Dogs and cats living together.

Just another sign the end is upon us
As was foretold by old man Nostradamus.

Noted turtle breeders choose a suitable match
Hoping for future eggs to hatch.
But his days of chasing shell are over.
He’s seen the world end before.

Just another sign the end is upon us
As was foretold by old man Nostradamus.

The year is 2012. Lonesome George paddles peacefully off the warm shores of the Galapagos. Where is he going? Home to his family? Meeting his turtle friends?


George is the last of his species. He swims only to move forward, and rests in the sun when he’s done. For one hundred years he’s lived alone, and today, he will die. He will die alone. As he looks across the South Pacific for the last time, he notes the brevity of life, and the importance to enjoy it.

Just another sign the end is upon us
As was foretold by old man Nostradamus.

Lonesome George
He’s seen the world end before.
Show goes on after you’re gone.

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Ball of Wax 40 Songs: When You Start to Die (Don’t)

[Ball of Wax 40, as we’ve mentioned, is a little different. Given the unique nature of each of the bands and songs on this collection, we decided to eschew our usual track-review format for the blog in favor of letting each of the bands speak for themselves about the songs they wrote and recorded in a day. Frank Buckles – the band I found myself in with Doug Arney, Shea Bliss, and Jake Uitti – were tasked with 2011). Bassist/journalist Jake interviewed the rest of us about our experiences creating this song.]

frankbucklesFor the 10th anniversary of the quarterly Ball of Wax compilation series, Levi Fuller had an idea: create 10 new bands – bands that may only be around for a single day – out of 40 musicians in Seattle. After that, he didn’t know what would happen. I was one of those musicians – and I, along with Levi, Doug Arney, and Shea Bliss wrote a song, inspired by the year 2011 and one Frank Buckles. To bookend the process, I asked the band questions about the song we wrote, recorded, and is soon to be released. -Jake Uitti

Jake Uitti: Levi, you both organized this entire event and participated in it yourself with the band Frank Buckles – what was the most challenging aspect of the project for you?  Continue reading

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