Ball of Wax 34 Songs: Virgin of the Birds – “Formalist Girls”

At this point Virgin of the Birds might have racked up the most appearances on Ball of Wax of anyone apart from myself – and, for that matter, VotB mastermind Jon Rooney has likely written the most blog posts on this very site, after me. I’m sure the two phenomena are connected; he’s a thoughtful, committed artist and writer who also seems to truly appreciate being a part of the Ball of Wax community, and on this Thanksgiving I am thankful to have benefited from his participation over the years, both musically and verbally.

“Formalist Girls” starts off softly, the waltz beat marked out with a shaker and the chords traced by keyboard and softly strummed electric guitar before Jon’s voice comes in, dry and deadpan as always, with a touch of slapback delay. Something about the song and its production evoke a late night to me; I can practically picture Jon in the dark of his quiet home, hunched over microphone and recorder with headphones and guitar – and then sure enough, the chorus ends with the line “we need night in its place,” and whatever that place is you seem to be there. The second half of the song breaks down to a false coda with a nod to Kate Bush, building to a frenetic guitar solo and pounding MIDI drums before dissolving back to one more chorus and releasing us alone into the night.

MIDI drums and keys are all well and good, but having a chance to see the full-band live incarnation of Virgin of the Birds is really where it’s at – providing yet one more reason that you must attend the Ball of Wax 34 show on Saturday!

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