As we all know by now, per the machinations of the electoral collage, the presidential election swung because of the collective voting decisions of Michigan, my home state of Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, the birth place of many of Ball of Wax‘s most beloved local musicians: like Caleb Bue of Caleb & Walter, guitar wizard Jason Goessl, Bart Cameron of the Foghorns, and Sam Russell. Maybe if a few more traditionally Democrat voters in Philadelphia, Detroit, and Milwaukee came out and a few less folks in the exurbs and rural area decided not egg on the end of Western democracy by voting for Trump, things would be radically different right now. But we are where we are, and Sam’s rallied some local talent for both a compilation and a show to benefit Planned Parenthood, an institution committed to human dignity, autonomy, and well-being now facing a real existential threat from the current administration. Despicable cross-fit enthusiast and Speaker of the House Paul Ryan is also from Wisconsin, a fact that must both enrage and humiliate Sam and crew.
Anyway, it goes without saying that this is a worthy cause that we all need to take on, so let’s join Sam, Bart, Caleb and whole host of Badger state musicians by purchasing the compilation on Bandcamp and attending the benefit show at Conor Byrne of Thursday the 19th, which also happens to be the eve of (gulp) Donald J. Trump’s inauguration as the 45th President of the United States of America at an event in Washington, DC headlined by those members of the Rockettes and the Mormon Tabernacle Choir not adherent to their consciences as well as, I shit you not, the B Street Band, a Bruce Springsteen Tribute band that’s either oblivious or impervious to the lyrical content of 45 years worth of the Boss’s songs. This is it, people. This is go time.

Seriously, fuck this guy
Update: The B Street Band has allegedly dropped out. What a shitshow.
I almost used that pic of Paul Ryan as the cover