Ball of Wax 69 Songs: The Disillusionments – “The Artesian Whale”

The mood of this song is like being out in the desert in the early spring of a year when all the flowers bloom. You’re definitely wearing a cowboy hat, and you look really good in it. You’re also on just the right (small) dose of psilocybin. The guitar hook carries you through, and the vocals are dreamy and just off in the distance enough that you can’t tell if they are saying something or not. I wanted to email Tyler and Marc (BLAKE|MANNING aka The Disillusionments) and ask them, but then I figured it was better left a mystery.

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3 Responses to Ball of Wax 69 Songs: The Disillusionments – “The Artesian Whale”

  1. Colin Devroe says:

    Hello! Does The Disillusionments have a website or put their work anywhere to purchase or stream? Or, just through Ball of Wax? Thank you!

    • Levi Fuller says:

      Hey there! As far as I know this is the only thing The Disillusionments (Tyler Blake and Marc Manning) have made, and Ball of Wax/Bandcamp is the only way to get it. They both have lots of other music out there (and on this volume) with other projects though!

    • Tyler says:

      Hello Colin, Drop me a line and I will give you all the info on The Disillusionments, if you are still interested. Thanks for the interest!

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