Wait! Come back!!!
It’s no secret that Wesafari (heard on Ball of Wax volumes 1, 4, 6, 18, 20, and seen on the Volume 7 DVD) has been one of my favorite local bands for quite some time now, as well as being good pals of mine. (My gushing review of their latest album, Sea Survivors, was one of my first posts for this here blog.) I’ve always loved seeing their live shows and hearing new music from them, whether in the form of an album or a new track sent to me for Ball of Wax. So it is with a heavy heart indeed that I report that singer/songwriter/”main guy” Rick Wright will be leaving Seattle and the Northwest in just a few weeks and striking out for “the other Washington.” While I know that Rick won’t stop making music – he is the most inherently and obsessively musical person I have ever known – Wesafari as we’ve come to know it, as an active, if mercurial, Seattle band, will be no more once Rick leaves us.
For purely selfish reasons, this is a huge bummer. The fact that I will probably never again go out to a Wesafari show and be blown away by their showmanship, instrumental chops, and kickass songs is something I’d rather not dwell on for too long. Suffice it to say, there will soon be a Wesafari-shaped hole in my heart, and I’m not sure what else could ever fill it. I might have to carve something vaguely Wesafari-shaped out of wood, cover it in clay and fur and jam it in there, but it will never take their place.
Fortunately, Seattle has one last chance to experience Wesafari live, and I strongly recommend you do not miss it. I have to think they will be pulling all the stops out for this one, and I sincerely hope it will be a performance the memory of which will keep me warm and ease me through the sad, cold, Wesafariless remainder of my days (but no pressure, guys!). Jeremy Burk (another Ball of Wax favorite) and Pufferfish (of which, full disclosure, I am a member) will be opening up the evening, but really, just make sure you get there in time to see Wesafari’s Seattle swan song:
Sunday, April 17th, Neumos: Wesafari, Pufferfish, Jeremy Burk
Doors at 8 p.m., $10, 21+
Be there. Now enjoy this video of “Chamber” (as heard on Ball of Wax 1 and Sea Survivors) from the Ball of Wax Volume 20 release show:
Here they are playing all pretty and acoustic-like at The Round:
And here’s a live video Camp Revival shot of their I-can’t-believe-it’s-not-a-hit-single “Hiccup”:
Booo! But all the best to Rick in his new endeavor. It should also be noted that he was the one that introduced me to Ball of Wax in the first place.
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